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About Us

Learn to Swim. Love to Swim.

Kim Kamprad has been involved in swimming since the age of 9 and developed into a state level swimmer, before transitioning to Water Polo to again represent Tasmania and become selected in Australian Squads.

Kim started her instructing career at 18, winning Tasmanian trainee of the year and managing the program at a large Swim Centre.


Stepping away from the role prior to the arrival of her first child, Kim always had a passion to get back in to Learn to Swim, and started Aqua Bambinos Learn to Swim out of a small facility at Lenah Valley.  


Still wanting to offer more to eliminate the annoying factors parents and guardians experience it was recognised that a purpose built facility was required to ensure the investment in this important life skill was an enjoyable experience.

Kim has used this experience to develop the swimKamp facility which is truly unique, that compliments her and her teams unique teaching style

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